Thursday, June 7, 2007

Some things I've learned lately...

Learning the hard way…

When teaching a one year old how to crawl down the stairs be sure that you are behind him.

If you are going to lock your keys in the car, try to do it before you put the baby in the backseat.

Too much of a good thing is possible...especially when you're talking about yogurt and a one year old's tummy.

Letting a Kindergartener push the grocery cart is probably not a good idea...especially if you are near a very large display of Cheez-Whiz.

It is so much easier to pay for a cart full of groceries if you actually bring your purse with you to the store.

Today's Lesson: If you have a few inches of snow on your front windshield and you think it looks light and fluffy enough that you get the bright idea to just turn on the wipers and swish it, be sure to pull both legs into the vehicle and close the door completely before turning the wipers on.

Review of Yesterday's Lesson (lesson revised): Even if you think you are just going to take the kids to school and come straight back take your purse with you. You might get the bright idea to go to the bank which you never went to yesterday because you didn't have your purse then either.

Lesson continued for day 3: Having your purse with you isn't enough if your wallet isn't actually inside.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Putting a chopped up onion on a plate inside your car will not actually remove the smell of vomit. It will just change the smell to seem like the child who got sick had just eaten an onion prior to throwing up.

The "fix it and forget" method for cooking dinner works much better if you remember to actually plug in the crock pot.

1 comment:

JeanneMcCarron said...

Some help for the "vomit smell" situation...Place about 3" of listerine (mint flavor works best) mouthwash in a plastic bowl with a small towel or washcloth folded in it and submerged in the mouthwash. Put it on the floor of the closed car overnight. It works on ALL yucky smells! Learned this trick from a neighbor, when a squirrel died in our chimney (not from a fire!!). Love, Aunt Jeanne xoxo