Thursday, March 27, 2008


Sometimes (okay, often...) I get embarrassed because my kitchen floor is dirty.
But I was really proud of my kids when they went to church with my mom and politely introduced themselves and shook hands with the pastor.

Sometimes I get frustrated because my laundry is never done and I tend to have piles and baskets that need to be put away.
But my two year old can sing two verses to Jesus loves me.

Sometimes I look at my sink of dirty dishes and I get very overwhelmed.
But then I watch how gentle my seven year-old daughter is with our one year-old and I smile as she teaches him "baby school" lessons.

Sometimes I wonder how the garbage cans and diaper champs always seem to be full even when I think I just emptied them. I feel like my world is so full of dirt and grime.
But then I hear that my eight year old son went - unprompted! - and said thank you to his Sunday School teacher for some candy she brought our family two days earlier.

Sometimes I feel like I never accomplish anything.
But then I look at my family and recognize that I am doing alright with what really matters.

Thank you, Jesus, for giving me some perspective in this season of my life.