Thursday, March 27, 2008


Sometimes (okay, often...) I get embarrassed because my kitchen floor is dirty.
But I was really proud of my kids when they went to church with my mom and politely introduced themselves and shook hands with the pastor.

Sometimes I get frustrated because my laundry is never done and I tend to have piles and baskets that need to be put away.
But my two year old can sing two verses to Jesus loves me.

Sometimes I look at my sink of dirty dishes and I get very overwhelmed.
But then I watch how gentle my seven year-old daughter is with our one year-old and I smile as she teaches him "baby school" lessons.

Sometimes I wonder how the garbage cans and diaper champs always seem to be full even when I think I just emptied them. I feel like my world is so full of dirt and grime.
But then I hear that my eight year old son went - unprompted! - and said thank you to his Sunday School teacher for some candy she brought our family two days earlier.

Sometimes I feel like I never accomplish anything.
But then I look at my family and recognize that I am doing alright with what really matters.

Thank you, Jesus, for giving me some perspective in this season of my life.


Bernadine said...

It's great that you're able to put things into perspective and realize that there are more important things than having an immaculate home.

Thanks for stopping in at Laced With Grace and leaving a comment.
Have a blessed day.

Jodie Wolfe said...

I could use your help. I am trying to survey as many women as possible to find out what ten struggles they face as a Christian woman. If you have a few minutes, I would love your input on my blog in regards to the ten struggles that Christian women face. Thank you!

Please pass this on to your friends as well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this. Sometimes I think that we as women (and I put myself in this category as guilty!) judge ourselves by what we can SEE as our accomplishments. We forget that the Lord has given us these amazing little people to rear and they are the fruits of our labors.

(stopped by from the MOPS forums)