Sunday, September 21, 2008

Stained Glass Windows

Our church has three beautiful stained glass windows on one wall of the sanctuary. They are square and have an artistic depiction of a rainbow and each also contains a symbol. The one on the left has the Alpha sign and the one on the right the Omega, and the middle one a cross. I've always thought they were pretty, but honestly never paid very much attention until last week.

Last Sunday was Max's first Sunday join us in church for worship before heading to Children's Church with the "big kids." During one of the songs he pointed to a chair near us and said, "Why does that chair have all those colors?" I looked up and saw the light reflecting on the chairs and pointed to the window so he could see the light. As I looked at the light pouring through that stained glass rainbow with the cross I could feel God smiling at us. I just had this sense of how we bless him when we gather together to praise him and learn from his word.

Then my mind flashed back to one night last spring when I drove by the church at night. Usually when we are at church for something in the evening we get there before dark. But one night I drove by when it was already dark outside and all the lights in the sanctuary were on. Those stained glass windows looked so beautiful!

These windows now remind me that on Sunday mornings we gather together and experience God's presence in corporate worship. The light is coming into the church as we are touched by his presence and filled by his spirit. But, the rest of the week we are to reflect his light in a dark world.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I like that the light made you feel God smiling at you. That's a great picture that I'll keep in my mind! I love stained glass windows, too.