Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Dish You a Merry Christmas

I Dish You a Merry Christmas, A Recipe for being "MERRY" - a "Season" for the Reason

M - Make the season Meaningful
1. Choose traditions that will add spice to your Christmas season.
2. Too much of a good spice may spoil the batch.
3. Too little spice may make your season bland.

E - Evaluate each ingredient
1. Does the ingredient add flavor or does it overpower the recipe?
2. Does the ingredient add to the consistency of the recipe?
3. Do family members like the taste?
4. Sometimes family members will acquire a taste.

R - Remember to Kneed in the Savior
1. Do you have the main ingredient?
2. The Savior adds flavor

R - Re-write your Recipe
1. Consider what needs to be omitted.
2. Consider who or what needs to be added
3. Enjoy your new recip

Y - Yield: A Very Filling MERRY Christmas!

Notes from Terri Llamas' talk at Covenant MOPS tonight. Terri is a good friend and I LOVE this analogy of the recipe for our family's Christmas. What does Christmas taste like? Do I have too many ingredients, or is my Christmas missing something? What do you want Christmas to "taste" like for your family?

Please share what "spices" you add that bring out the flavor of the main ingredient!

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