Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Top 10 Things I'm Thankful for this Summer

10. A great new tutoring client - I started in June working with a very sweet Jr. Higher whose goal is to become fluent in Spanish. I enjoy our time together and am glad she wants to keep working together during the school year.

9. Being involved more at Josh and Annie's school - Yes, it may seem odd that school is on the summer list but we attend a year round school that started July 21. Since Craig has been doing contract work and our business he has been working at home the past couple months. I am really enjoying volunteering in Josh's class on Mondays and Annie's class on Wednesdays. I also got my sub license. Orientation at the district office was this morning and I start subbing tomorrow!

8. Celebrating 12 years of marriage! I thank God every day for giving me such an amazing husband. Not only do we love being married and raising our family together, we like working together! Our summer "date nights" often involve us working weddings together. This summer we have really enjoyed some really beautiful weddings at Lake Tahoe.

7. Good road trips and fun times with family - we have made a couple trips to the Bay Area and to Sacramento this summer and enjoyed the time spent on the road and during our visits. A highlight is our annual get-together and Scott & Debbie's house where just the 19 of us hang out.

6. A visit from Uncle Kevin - My brother Kevin ( finished a two-year program for his teaching credential in May and was finally able to come up for a long weekend. We ALL love hanging out with Uncle in the park, Sparks Marina and our new favorite activity: drinks on the trampoline.

5. The trampoline - some friends gave us a huge trampoline this summer and we all love it. Josh and Annie bounce when they need a break from homework. Craig and I take the little boys out to jump almost every day between lunch and naps. And, thanks to Kevin's inspiration, we've even invited friends over for margaritas on the trampoline.

4. Cancer Relay for Life - I have a whole separate post and a slide show on this but it needed to be on the list. We walked in honor of my grandma (turning 93 in 2 weeks) and Craig's cousin who both went through chemo/radiation within the last year and are now doing well. Praise God! We were thankful the opportunity to be a part of something meaningful and important.

3. CLASS - I spent 3 wonderful and challenging days attending the Christian Leaders Authors and Speaker Services seminar in Livermore. I feel excited, equipped and energized about taking my speaking ministry to the next step.

2. Max is potty-trained! Yes, only one more left in diapers. What a milestone! He turned 3 on August 4 and we gave him his present first thing in the morning - a new potty seat that plays music after each success! He loves his Thomas the Train underwear and carries a fold-up Sesame Street potty seat in a little backpack every time we go somewhere.

1. Watching God provide for us - The past 6 months have been quite a roller coaster for us but we have truly experienced peace amidst the challenges. When we approach a sudden turn, our response is more of a "Oh, I wonder what God is going to do now to take of this!" than a "Oh no, what are we going to do?" And that feels like a good place to be.


Debbie said...

Thanks for the update. It was fun seeing you as well. We look forward to getting together in October. Your kids A track must be slightly different than ours. A track here starts in August.

Vickie Musni said...

Here the multi-track schools go by color but since our school is single track we are actually called a "single track modified green" as we start about 3 weeks before the regular green tracks...hard to keep track, but we LOVE this schedule!

Michelle said...

I'm so glad to see your thankfulness list! Happy Anniversary! I'm so glad that you and Craig have each other. That picture of you two on top of your blog is one of my favorites! It's great to see you working together on weddings and stuff...I don't know what you and Debbie are talking about, tracks and all, we are still old-school, with an 8 week summer vacation...and I'm happy with that for us, but so stoked that you are liking the year round schedule! Let us know how you like substituting! Hugs, and hope to see you soon!

Kevin said...

I made the top 10 List. Woohoo!