Sunday, January 20, 2008

Some Days...

Some Days…

Some days I miss
sleeping through the night.
Some days I miss
being spontaneous.
Some days I miss
sitting down to a quiet dinner and eating hot food.
Some days I miss
the way it felt to know that the laundry was “done” for a couple of weeks.
Some days I miss
going to the grocery store alone.

Some day I’m sure I’ll miss
cuddling my baby in the wee hours of the morning.
Some day I’m sure I’ll miss
having so many kids activities on the calendar.
Some day I’m sure I’ll miss
the giggles of four little kids around our crowded dinner table along with all the “Can I have more milk?” and “I dropped my napkin again.”
Some day I’m sure I’ll miss
little tiny socks that never seem to have a pair.
Some day I’m sure I’ll miss
having a good excuse to buy Pop-Tarts.

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