Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas! For years we have enjoyed writing an annual newsletter, selecting the "Christmas card photo" and recently added the tradition of the annual video. This year was no exception - but, we have had to switch to an on-line format instead of an actual printed card, letter and the mini dvd. So, above is the family photo. Here are the links to the video (on youtube) and the newsletter (as a pdf file).

Musni Newsletter 2008
Musni Video 2008

Most of our regular columns are back - Josh and Annie's updates on themselves and their little brothers, my month by month year in review, and Craig's (infamous) Top Ten list. The only one missing was the "Was it a rumor?" column from 2006 and 2007. Hopefully we've dispelled all myths about moving to Boise by now...

We truly are enjoying the printed cards we are receiving in the mail as well as all the e-mails and facebook messages. We love hearing from you (so please post any comments!) and wish you all a wonderful Christ-filled Christmas.

God bless,

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


C-hrist should be the center of Christmas
H-help others however you can this season
R-emember to say thank you
I-nitiate conversations with others about the true meaning of Christmas
S-hop carefully - debt is not good!
T-raditions are important, but it is okay if you don't do every one every year
M-ake or bake gifts for people
A-lways choose "people" over "things"
S-avor the moments!